
The beginning of the movement
The Noar Leumi Movement is a social Zionist movement that was born in the early months of 1934 out of the National Workers Federation. Its purpose was to educate members to continue and fulfill the teachings of Jabotinsky. The movement has grown in size and popularity and now has branches across Israel.
Who we are
Noar Leumi is a social Zionist movement that educates individuals about the values of Israel, a Jewish and democratic state.
In accordance with Jabotinsky's beliefs, Noar Leumi instills sound values in its members and places great emphasis on contributing to the community and society at large, love of the land and development of young leadership. Educational work in the movement focuses on the value of friendship and social engagement, with an emphasis on personal motivation, leadership and excellence, knowledge of nature, love of country and protecting the environment.
Noar Leumi encourages its members to enlist in units and positions in the Israeli Defense Forces to further maximize their talents and abilities.